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Industries / Aerospace manufacturing software

Aerospace manufacturing ERP that’s anything but plane

Track your materials and finished products accurately and ensure optimal inventory levels to keep your costs down. Katana’s aerospace manufacturing software equips you with wings to get your business airborne and keep your products flying off the shelves.


With Katana’s aerospace manufacturing software you don’t have to wing it

With Katana’s aerospace manufacturing software, you can connect all your favorite business tools to manage everything from a central platform. Katana ensures all your information is up-to-date and synchronized across all your business software.

Live inventory management

Real-time overview of your inventory levels, so you know exactly when you’re running low on raw materials or finished products

Sales order management

Integrate with the best e-commerce tools and easily manage all your sales orders from one place based on product availability

Shop floor control

Equip your staff with the Katana Shop Floor App and improve the collaboration between your floor-level operators and office staff

Accounting integrations

Connect Katana with the best accounting software out there to simplify your bookkeeping and keep everything synced across platforms

Contract manufacturing

Issue outsourced purchase orders, track materials at partner locations, and calculate costs based on manufacturers fees

Barcode scanning

Automate stocktaking and inventory management by scanning product barcodes to reduce human errors and cut back on admin time

Stay on top of your stock levels, orders, and operations

Accurate live data is essential to manage your business efficiently. With incorrect or outdated information, it’s easy to make costly mistakes or experience delays in your production.

Katana provides you with real-time data about your purchase orders, sales orders, inventory levels, manufacturing lines, and much more.

With Katana, you have a clear overview of your entire business and can eliminate issues before these become larger problems. You’ll be able to see potential delays in your supply chain and attend to these promptly.

Full support for in-house and contract manufacturing

Businesses always look for ways to streamline their processes, reduce overheads, and increase efficiency. One way to do this is by opting for contract manufacturing.

In the aerospace and defense industry especially, incredible precision is needed. But perhaps you don’t have access to the facilities required to produce certain high-end parts. Outsourcing your production allows you to benefit from the expertise of other manufacturers.

Katana’s aerospace manufacturing software lets you issue fully outsourced purchase orders, so you can track raw materials at partner locations and monitor the service fees of contractors for accurate costing. This ensures you can turn out quality high-end items without bearing the large upfront costs of building your own facilities.

Avoid stock-outs with reorder points

Finding out you don’t have the necessary raw materials or finished products to fulfill your customer’s order, can cause quite a panic. Not being able to deliver an item to your client in a timely manner can quickly damage your reputation as a company.

To avoid such scenarios, it’s important to know your exact inventory levels. Katana gives you a real-time overview of these and in addition, allows you to set reorder points.

As you use up your resources and items fall to the specific thresholds, Katana will highlight the items, letting you know it’s time to replenish your stock.

See Katana in action

  • Manage production planning, resource allocation, and scheduling in real time
  • Issue purchase orders based on precise material requirements and reorder points
  • Implement Katana on your own or with a team of experts that will set you up for success

Learn more about our plans and features included

  • Plans starting from $179 / month
  • Annual and monthly billing options
  • Add users and warehouses as you grow

Integrate with the best e-commerce,
accounting, reporting, and CRM
software out there

Create custom API integrations

Use Katana’s open API to create custom workflows and connect to apps beyond our list of integrations with top-tier software solutions. Automate data transfers between the services you use to level up efficiency and connect Katana to the best software for your business from sales management solutions to accounting integrations. Take a look at our API documentation to learn more.

Aerospace manufacturing software FAQs

Aerospace manufacturing specialized software refers to a specific type of enterprise resource planning software for the aerospace industry for manufacturing purposes. This software is designed to help with inventory control, managing supply, and improving lead times.

ERP stands for enterprise resource planning. It’s a type of software that helps businesses manage their core operations, such as manufacturing, supply chain, and finances.

Katana’s aerospace ERP software comes with the necessary features for:

Yes, Katana’s aerospace manufacturing specialized software allows you to connect your existing business tools seamlessly, so you can keep your data synchronized across platforms.

Integrating other business apps equips you with a cloud ERP software that you can use to run your entire business, including:

  • Managing aerospace and defense manufacturing processes
  • Streamlining your materials management
  • Keeping an eye on quality control
  • Taking care of financial management
  • Supervising human capital management
  • And much more

Get visibility over your sales and stock

Wave goodbye to uncertainty by using Katana Cloud Inventory for total inventory control