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The big buy bash: Understanding wholesale ecommerce

March 15, 2024
17 min read
Ioana Neamt

Ioana Neamt

Contributing Writer

Before we proceed with the grand opening of the wholesale ecommerce show, it’s important to set the ambiance. Imagine it as the opening scene of your favorite sitcom, full of information, intrigue, laughter, and a dash of useful explanations.

Get ready to buckle up for a behind-the-scenes peek into the B2B versus retail showdown, the comedy gold benefits that await, and a character-filled exploration of wholesalers in the ecommerce sitcom. So, grab your popcorn, settle into your favorite seat, and let the wholesale ecommerce story unfold.

What is wholesale ecommerce?

At its core, wholesale ecommerce is a type of B2B ecommerce for businesses to bulk buy in the digital world. It’s the online sale and distribution of goods in large quantities, typically to retailers or other businesses rather than to individual consumers. In wholesale ecommerce, businesses buy products in bulk from wholesalers, who, in turn, source and distribute goods to retailers or other businesses.

For this, the main focus is on supplying goods in large volumes, often at discounted rates, facilitating efficiency in wholesale inventory management and cost savings for the purchasing businesses.

It’s like catching the best deals in a comedy special, where the punchlines are discounts, and everyone leaves with a wallet full of laughter! Like a comedy club for budgets — where the more you buy, the more you save, giving the companies a chance to be the Jerry Seinfeld of savings.

B2B wholesale vs. retail ecommerce: Clash of the titans

Now, let’s distinguish between two main players in the ecommerce arena: B2B wholesale and retail ecommerce. They’re like the Ross and Rachel of the business world — different yet intertwined. B2B (aka. business-to-business) wholesale is the behind-the-scenes strategist, catering to other businesses in a dance of supply and demand. Retail ecommerce, on the other hand, is the show-stealer, directly touching base with end consumers.

Benefits of B2B wholesale ecommerce: Who doesn’t like perks?

From cost savings and enhanced efficiency to great customer relationships and inventory control, B2B wholesale ecommerce is reshaping the dynamics of modern-day trade. Here are just a few of the benefits that position businesses at the forefront of the ever-evolving digital marketplace:

  • Cost savings

Wholesale ecommerce is like finding out your favorite show got renewed for another season — exciting and full of cost-saving surprises. Buying in bulk means serious discounts, like creating a financial sitcom with a happy ending, allowing businesses to stretch their budget further.

  • Efficiency unleashed

Ever watched a TV character effortlessly juggle multiple storylines? That’s B2B wholesale ecommerce for you. Since it’s not tied to a physical location, it can reach customers wherever and whenever. It streamlines processes, reduces order chaos, and leaves you with more time for the important stuff, like enjoying the particular TV show that just popped into your mind when we mentioned the TV character.

  • Great customer relationships

While B2B wholesale ecommerce might sound kind of technical and complicated, it isn’t just an unknown face in the crowd — it’s actually the friend who remembers your birthday. It fosters strong relationships, offering personalized experiences that streamline and improve your relationship with your customers.

  • Data insights galore

Another brilliant benefit is that it provides actionable insights. And it’s not just about selling, but it’s about understanding your audience and delivering a simple yet great experience. It gives you valuable data, which makes it incredibly easy to get to know your audience and fine-tune your strategy.

Workers around a desk looking at production planning KPI charts
  • Bulk customization

If you thought buying in bulk meant sacrificing personalization, think again. With wholesale ecommerce, you can customize, too, depending on a business’ specific needs and preferences.

  • Inventory control

Wholesale ecommerce is a great way to control and manage your inventory as a business in an effective yet easy manner. Making sure you always have your products available whenever needed takes some pressure off the whole thing.

  • More security

Because wholesale ecommerce provides a secure platform for transactions, it can give you peace of mind by knowing everything’s stashed away safely.

Common types of wholesalers using ecommerce

The ecommerce world wouldn’t be half as interesting without a bit of diversity, so let’s explore the unique quirks of each type of wholesaler making waves in the digital playground. Here’s how they’re bringing their A-game to the online scene:

  • Specialty niche players — Their playground is niche markets, and their audience is a very specific one with very specific needs. You’ll most likely find them where nobody else is, and you’ll witness them working their magic with niche products or industries.
  • Dropshipping ninjas — Why ninjas? Because they’re like stealthy overachievers. They won’t burden themselves with inventory but will organize and plan transactions without leaving a single trace and will ship directly to customers.
  • Liquidation superheroes — Probably the stars of the show, to be honest, since they work their powers by transforming unwanted items into cherished ones. Who doesn’t admire that? One man’s trash is another man’s treasure — that’s how the saying goes, and the liquidation superheroes are masters at it.
  • The bulk buying wizards — They’re wise, they’re powerful, and they can get the goods in massive quantities. Their inventory is like a magic castle that’s filled with treasures, if you will.
  • Global trailblazers — These are your manufacturers, distributors, and wholesalers specializing in international trade. They bring their own flair to the drama and contribute to a vibrant and well-connected global commerce storyline.

Examples of wholesale ecommerce

And now, let’s go through some real-life examples of wholesale ecommerce success, showcasing the businesses that have harnessed the power of online platforms to revolutionize their operations, enhance efficiency, and forge new pathways to success. From innovative B2B marketplaces to seamlessly integrated supply chains, here are the forward-thinking enterprises that redefine the rules of the game:

  • Amazon — A segment of this retail behemoth, Amazon Business caters to B2B customers by offering a platform for wholesale purchasing, bulk buying, and streamlined procurement processes.
  • Alibaba — Everybody knows Alibaba, but what they might not know is that it also operates on a wholesale model by connecting businesses with manufacturers and wholesalers worldwide.
  • Oberlo — The name might not sound very familiar to most people, but Oberlo is a platform acquired by Shopify to facilitate dropshipping and allow businesses to connect with suppliers and sell products without holding inventory.
Amazon seller inventory management can ensure that your inventory is well-stocked, orders are processed quickly, and customers are satisfied with their shopping experience.

How to choose a wholesale ecommerce platform

It’s the season finale, and you need the perfect platform to wrap up your wholesale ecommerce sitcom. Here’s a possible script for selecting a platform that will leave your audience (and profits) cheering.

  • Scalability

First and foremost, you should opt for a platform that grows with your business by ensuring scalability as your operations expand. A platform that scales seamlessly will make it easier for your business to expand operations without outgrowing product lines, higher order volumes, and broader market reach.

  • User-friendly charm

Easy navigation and operation are key for retaining and gaining new users of all skill levels. This directly influences the success and efficiency of businesses using wholesale transactions. Ultimately, it leads to a reduced learning curve for users, faster transactions, improved customer satisfaction, reduced error rates, and a positive brand image.

  • Integration ensemble

If success is on your mind, then you need to make sure there is a seamless integration with other tools and systems you use. A wholesale ecommerce platform should play harmoniously with your existing business tools, like your accounting software, CRM system, or other essential applications.

  • Unbeatable security

It’s a no-brainer that security should be non-negotiable in the digital world. Choose a platform that has great security measures like excellent secure payment gateways, data encryption, or regular security updates to make sure you’re at bay from any potential threats.

  • Cost-efficiency

Before committing to a wholesale ecommerce platform, evaluate and explore the cost structure of different platforms. Don’t just go over the upfront costs, but take into account also the recurring fees, transaction charges, or any additional costs that are associated with the platform.

The best wholesale ecommerce platforms right now

When looking to find the best ecommerce platforms for wholesale businesses, you’ll discover that there are endless options available on the market today, all promising the same things. But there are some platforms that, in our experience, are well worth it, reliable, secure, easy to use, and effective. These five choices below are the cream of the crop when it comes to the best wholesale ecommerce platforms for your business.


One of the best wholesale ecommerce platforms these days is BigCommerce. As the name suggests, it’s the ideal option for larger businesses handling large amounts of products, but that doesn’t mean it’s not a great fit for smaller stores, as well. Its API integration with third-party apps is seamless, the interface is intuitive and user-friendly, and the cloud storage capacity is fantastic. All in all, it’s a great option for wholesale businesses looking to sell products online, and it’s a great tool if you’re looking to scale your ecommerce business in the near future.


WooCommerce is another best-in-class ecommerce platform that’s looking to ‘woo’ you with its impressive arsenal of features. The good news is that it manages to do just that. It’s open-source software, easy to install and use, highly customizable, and great if you don’t have a lot — or any — coding experience. The only downside, if you will, is that it only works if you use WordPress for your ecommerce website needs. But since WordPress is quite popular and a lot of businesses are already relying on it, that’s not really what we’d call a con.


Does Shopify even need an introduction? It’s one of the most popular ecommerce platforms in the world at this point, and for good reason. It’s easy to use, whether you have any prior experience using such a platform or not, and it works for both small-sized businesses and large corporations. With an endless number of plugins and features at your disposal, including digital marketing features like social media advertising, email marketing, and Google ads, Shopify is your all-in-one wholesale ecommerce partner. It can be a bit overwhelming at first, but once you get the hang of it, the benefits and integrations are top-notch.

Magento (Adobe Commerece)

Magento is another great option for businesses of all sizes, from small retailers and startups to large corporations handling huge amounts of inventory. It’s also an open-source platform, which is perfect if you want to give it a trial run and see if it’s the right option for your needs. There’s an intuitive interface, customizable design, and a myriad of features that your wholesale ecommerce business can benefit from.


Perhaps not quite as popular as Shopify or WooCommerce, OROCommerce is still a top choice if you’re looking for a reliable and secure wholesale ecommerce platform. It features a multipurpose, built-in CRM system, inventory management options, and in-depth data analytics tools that allow you to measure business performance and key metrics. Company account creation, custom pricing, and inventory organization — these are just some of the key features that OROCommerce provides for wholesalers. It’s definitely worth giving it a try.

Free Shopify handbook for ecommerce manufacturers

Unlock the power of Shopify and master ecommerce for manufacturers with our comprehensive guide e-book

Make the best out of wholesale ecommerce with Katana

Katana’s inventory management software is created to streamline operations for SMBs. It aims to enhance efficiency, reduce manual workload, and improve overall visibility into inventory and production processes.

  • For example, Katana can offer a centralized hub for all orders and inventory management, which is a key feature for wholesale ecommerce, where large quantities of products need to be tracked and managed in a seamless manner.
  • It also has valuable tools for inventory planning, ensuring that timely orders are fulfilled and that production workflows are thoroughly optimized.
  • And the best part? Katana also offers real-time insights into key metrics for making data-driven decisions. From sales performance to inventory levels, it can give you comprehensive reporting tools to enhance both visibility and control.

We’re not even joking — wholesale ecommerce steals the show with its bulk-buying brilliance and B2B banter. As you get ready to step into this world, remember to choose a platform that suits your sitcom finale — scalable, user-friendly, well-integrated, and supported like the trusty sidekick you deserve. So, drop us a line to schedule a demo and learn more about all the features Katana provides!

The digital marketplace is vast, dynamic, and full of opportunities for those who make great use of what wholesale ecommerce has to offer. For now, though, let the wholesale comedy unfold, and may your business sitcom be a blockbuster hit!

Ioana Neamt

Ioana Neamt

Contributing Writer
With more than 10 years of copywriting experience, Ioana has a fondness for longform writing, investigative journalism, cats, and Victorian-style mansions.

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