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Introducing barcode scanning features in Katana

Users can now introduce barcode scanning into their workflow with our latest update to optimize your inventory management.

April 8, 2022
2 min read
Team Katana

Team Katana

Katana Team

In manufacturing, every minute counts, and every mistake will cost you. To give you the best possible overview of your business in real-time, our team is excited to launch barcode scanning in Katana.

Barcodes are the quickest and most reliable way to track inventory movements and automate the flow of information from sales to the shop floor. Supporting supplier item, internally generated, registered, and batch barcodes, this new feature makes it possible for you and your team to:

  • Quickly identify products and materials
  • Keep track of materials and batch numbers when receiving goods
  • Reduce the risk of human error when receiving and counting stock
  • Boost efficiency by matching physical materials with database items in a machine-readable way
  • Generate and print barcodes for items, products, and batches

By introducing barcode scanning to your inventory management operations, you simplify workflows for employees, particularly new hires that are more prone to making mistakes. Add improved data accuracy for your inventory turnover calculations to the mix and it’s a recipe for better, faster decision-making when it comes to budgeting, procurement, and maintenance.

Screenshot of Katana software

When barcode scanning is a must

While barcode scanning can benefit manufacturers in any industry, it is a must-have inventory control method for businesses working with:

  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Perishable goods
  • Electronics
  • Large volumes of inventory
  • Batch tracking

More barcode scanning functionality coming soon

Over the next few months, we’ll continue to expand barcode inventory control functionality in Katana to make getting a live look at your inventory as easy as possible with:

  • Consuming and counting materials and batches with barcodes
  • Smart device barcode scanning in the floor-level app
  • Picking lists, shipping, and more

Keep an eye out for more barcode scanning and other product-related news from Katana. Happy scanning!

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