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You can now receive a PO in parts

You can now receive a purchase order in parts, allowing you to choose which items and quantities to receive now and keep the others in expected status.

June 3, 2021
1 min read
Team Katana

Team Katana

Katana Team

Great news!

Partial receiving of purchase orders is now fully implemented and ready to use. 💥

This means you no longer have to make separate purchase orders if your shipment arrives in multiple deliveries. Instead, you can receive the purchase order in parts, allowing you to choose which items and quantities to receive now and keep the others in expected status. 🙌

So, next time you click to receive an open purchase order there will be a new menu option – “Receive Some…”.

Screenshot of Katana app

After that, the order will be marked as “Partially received” and you can continue receiving items until the purchase order has completely arrived.

We look forward to hearing your thoughts, suggestions or questions, so please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Happy purchasing,

Katana Team

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