Print Multiple Manufacturing Orders and Consolidated Pick List
Streamline how you organize your floor-level tasks and ingredients by printing multiple manufacturing orders and consolidated pick lists.

It’s time to streamline how you organize your floor-level tasks and ingredients with our newest feature 😎
With Katana, you can quickly get your production rolling by printing multiple manufacturing orders (MOs) in one go, allowing you to send the work orders to your team members, so they can get started as soon as possible. You can also group your selected MOs into one consolidated pick list, which will allow you to see all the ingredients you need for those orders.
To do this is simple, head to the “Make” screen and select the MOs you wish to print:

Click on the highlighted “Bulk actions…” box, select “Print” and chose the printing template called “Manufacturing order”.

A PDF will open in a new window for you to print all your selected MOs.

However, if you want to have your selected orders, ingredients, and quantities in one document instead, simply select “Consolidated pick list”

Doing this will help you quickly and easily gather your ingredients for all your MOs in one go.

No more printing MOs individually! We’re sure this new feature will help you smash your deadlines.
If you have any questions, thoughts, or suggestions, we would love to hear them.
Happy manufacturing,
Katana Team
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