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Utilize Katana webhooks for integrations and automation

Implement webhooks for orders, inventory, products, and more, or use them for easily creatable custom integrations and automation.

January 19, 2023
4 min read
Team Katana

Team Katana

Katana Team

Katana recently released API endpoints to enable you to easily access all your data (from sales to manufacturing), making custom workflows and integrations a breeze. To go along with this, we’ve also released webhook access inventory and sales, purchase, and manufacturing orders as well as an endpoint for webhook logs. To keep your product data in sync between Katana and any other product information management systems you’re using (e-commerce platform, marketplace, or CRM), we’ve also introduced webhooks for products, materials, variants, and product recipes

The latest Katana update enables users to utilize webhooks for product recipes and keep their product recipe data in sync between Katana and other systems.

The benefits of webhooks

Webhooks offer an easy way to receive live programmatic notifications for changes to your data. Webhooks are especially useful if you’re running an app that needs real-time information from Katana.

With the latest improvements, our API users have more transparency into their development process through a new endpoint for webhook logs. This endpoint allows you to query up to a month of webhooks logs and receive the logs back as a CSV file.

Types of Katana webhooks

Katana webhooks are divided into four categories to make real-time integration and workflow customization more comprehensive:

  • Manufacturing orders
  • Inventory
  • Sales orders
  • Purchase orders

Webhooks for manufacturing orders (MOs) and inventory enable you to:

  • Sync inventory levels from Katana to an e-commerce or marketplace platform, CRM, and more
  • Send updates about MOs to an MES or a machine
  • Send a notification if:
    • A product or material is out of stock
    • A MO or specific MO operation is complete
    • There is an issue blocking manufacturing (alert for a production manager)
    • Ingredients for a MO become available

Webhooks for Katana sales orders (SOs) allow you to:

  • Sync sales order statuses between Katana and an e-commerce platform
  • Automatically update fulfillment locations
  • Receive notifications regarding SO creation, updates, and deletions

We also introduced webhooks for purchase orders (POs) and outsourced purchase orders (OPOs) that allow you to build up workflows such as:

  • Sending POs and OPOs to a third-party app and reporting back to it once items are received
  • Sending notifications if the expected arrival date of a PO or OPO is changed or when items are received (partially or fully) at a warehouse

We’ve also created webhooks for products, materials, variants, and the newest — product recipes. These webhooks can trigger real-time updates for items while also being useful for any integration that keeps product data in sync with Katana such as:

  • E-commerce platforms
  • Marketplaces
  • CRMs

Product recipes, as the newest webhooks available, allow you to keep product recipe data in sync between Katana and other systems:

  • Sending notifications when a product recipe is created, updated or deleted
  • Syncing BOMs between Katana and e-commerce softwares
  • Sending updated recipes to MES

In addition to the new webhooks, we recently added a new endpoint that allows gathering information about all inventory movements in one place for better analysis and overview.

Check out our guide for more detailed information on creating Katana webhooks or see the complete list of available events from the Webhook page.

What is API?

API stands for Application Programming Interface, a software intermediary that allows two applications to communicate. Katana’s API is open, meaning developers outside of Katana can build into our software and make custom connections or integrations.

Happy customizing!

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