Align QuickBooks Online invoicing with multiple deliveries
With the recent QuickBooks Online integration update, you can issue multiple invoices for any sales order shipped in numerous partial deliveries.

Just a little while ago, we introduced a partial delivery functionality in Katana that allows you to partially pack and deliver sales orders, making it easier to manage orders and keep track of your stock. Today, we’re improving upon this functionality by making it possible to keep your invoicing in line with partial deliveries.
What’s new
This update opens up the ability to send multiple invoices to QuickBooks Online (QBO) from a single Katana sales order. With this new option, you’ll no longer need to create additional sales orders when separate invoices are required due to multiple deliveries. You can also avoid adjusting your invoices in QBO when only part of a sales order has been invoiced and delivered.
From now on, you’ve got the freedom of choice — issue one invoice for a whole sales order or split deliveries between different invoices.
In addition, credit memos will now automatically be issued for any parts of a sales order that is reverted. This means that the changes made in Katana to your sales orders will be instantly reflected in QBO.
What’s coming up next?
We’re already working on partial billing for the QuickBooks Online integration, allowing you to have separate bills for each part of a purchase order. In the meantime, if you have questions about this or any other update, send us a message via live chat or email us at [email protected].
Happy accounting!
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