Import orders and keep inventory synced with Katana + Faire
Katana’s integration with Faire allows you to gain complete control over your order management with sales order import and inventory sync.
Faire is an online wholesale marketplace where merchants can easily set up an online store, add products, and take advantage of multiple shipping options.
If you already use Faire for managing your wholesale operations, use our integration with CartRover to connect your Faire store directly to Katana. With this integration, you can:
- Import sales orders
- Synchronize inventory
How to connect Katana with Faire
To set up the integration, you first need to connect to CartRover. If you’re new to CartRover, look at our detailed set-up instructions to make the process easier.
Once the Katana + CartRover integration is complete, you’re ready to connect to Faire. To learn more about this process, please head to our Knowledge Base. For any further help integrating with Faire, you can also turn to CartRover’s support.
What is CartRover?
CartRover is a web application specializing in integrated solutions for order management. Through optimization and automation, CartRover makes separate systems work together seamlessly. CartRover already has over 100 e-commerce integrations you can connect to Katana.
Сreate a free trial account on CartRover, and visit their Pricing page for more information about CartRover’s plans and pricing.
Happy integrating!
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