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Partially pack and deliver sales orders to improve flexibility

You can now partially pack and deliver sales orders in Katana, making it easier to manage orders and keep track of your stock.

June 15, 2022
4 min read
Team Katana

Team Katana

Katana Team

Ever run into situations where you’re unable to completely fulfill an order at once? Perhaps you have an order containing both in-stock and back-ordered products, and your customer needs the in-stock products as soon as possible. Whatever the case may be, Katana’s new partial delivery feature helps you handle these scenarios with ease.

Sales Order delivery statuses in Katana

Products in a Sales order can now be updated to either Partially packed or Packed depending on the order status. If a shipment is only partially fulfilled, select “Partially delivered” to keep the Sales order open. Once the entire shipment is complete, simply change the status to Delivered and the Sales order will close along with any other partial deliverables. If you already use Shopify, partial delivery helps you manage inventory and stock status between Katana and your Shopify store.

Sales Order fulfillment scenarios 

For example, let’s say you have a sales order quote for 100 boxes of protein bars. However, the customer requires partial shipments to be completed as follows:

  • 50 boxes with the first Sales Order
  • 25 boxes in the second shipment
  • 25 more boxes after three months.

You can pack the first shipment immediately and choose Partially delivered when shipped. For the second shipment, after packing it, select “Packed” and wait for the delivery date. You’ll need to wait again for the delivery time for the third shipment, but once all three shipments are sent, close the Sales Order with Delivered.

Katana Sales Order partial delivery structure

You can also complete these actions in bulk via Katana’s Sell screen. If you have multiple orders you would like to change at once, the bulk option lets you update them all at one time.

For partially delivered shipments, you can use different export formats for each Sales order, which only contain information about the current shipment. These capabilities make it easy to plan and manage all the shipment information under one fulfillment order.

Gaining the most out of partial delivery

Those who take advantage of our Shopify integration will particularly see the benefit of partial delivery. This feature gives both D2C & B2B companies the ability to structure their work more orderly by helping you understand what exactly has or has not been packed and delivered while helping prevent the need for duplicate information between manufacturing and sales. Multiple fulfillments under one sales order make it easier for you to plan and manage your manufacturing.

Head to our Knowledge Base to learn more about partial delivery.

What’s coming up next?

In order to make Katana the best it can be, we’re always excited to build new features and share them with you. Here’s what the team is currently working on and hoping to deliver soon:

  • Contract manufacturing
  • BigCommerce integration
  • And more…

Until next time, happy delivering!

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