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Don’t lose another minute with the time-tracking feature

Evaluate shop floor performance to compare planned task execution time against the actual completion time of operations with Katana’s new time-tracking functionalities.

January 29, 2025
2 min read
Team Katana

Team Katana

Katana Team

Time to evaluate the efficiency of your shop-floor performance with our new KPI time tracking feature, which will allow you to compare planned task execution time against the actual completion time of operations.

This feature allows you, and your managers, to improve your business:

  • Planning decisions
  • Pricing decisions
  • Performance evaluations
  • Time tracking

So, what exactly can you do with the floor-level operations time tracking?

Time tracking with MRP and the Shop Floor App

With this new feature, the biggest change will apply to your MRP control. Now, from the Katana dashboard, you can:

  • Pause an operator’s task;
  • Revert or change a status; and
  • Change operators.

Within the MRP and shop floor app, you’ll see the new column called Planned/actual time, which shows you the time you estimated the operation would take to complete.

But, once you change the status to Done, Katana will calculate and display the actual completion time, so you can see them both side by side.

If you want to take your analysis even further, you can head over to the Done tab within your Tasks and export that information as a CSV file.

What does time tracking mean for you?

This latest update will allow you to identify bottlenecks within your operations and give you a better understanding of your manufacturing lead times.

Also, you can block individual operations from the MRP dashboard, helping your operators understand exactly what needs to be done in the event an operation step is unnecessary for a particular order.

If you want to read more about time tracking, be sure to check out the Knowledge Base article or feel free to drop us an email if you have any questions.

And until next time, happy manufacturing.

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