Stock Takes
Stock Takes with Katana is your go-to podcast for actionable insights on inventory management and business growth. Each episode features industry experts sharing tips, success stories, and lessons learned to help you streamline operations, avoid common pitfalls, and stay ahead of the curve.
Common Manufacturing Challenges with Taago Kilter
Taago, from Katana, shares insights on the challenges faced by manufacturers and practical advice on how to recognize when it’s time to innovate.
Common Software Implementation Challenges with Chris Jacobs
Inventory software implementation expert Chris from ABX Group discusses how to streamline operations and avoid common pitfalls during software transitions.
AI and the Future of Your Manufacturing Operations with Rainar Essenson
Rainar from Katana Cloud Inventory discusses how AI impacts businesses and how AI can be implemented to enhance manufacturing operations.
Strategies for Mitigating Rising Costs with Ben Hussey
Katana’s Co-CEO Ben Hussey discusses navigating economic uncertainty with different business strategies for survival and growth.
How to Choose and Manage Inventory Software During an Economic Downturn with Shawn Coultice
Shawn, the Head of Channel Partnerships at Katana, shares his expertise in using tech to scale product-based businesses.
A Balancing Act: How to Manage Multiple Sales Channels with Mark Cohen
In this episode, Mark, Head of Tech Partnerships at Katana, explores the challenges of scaling inventory-based businesses.
Keeping up with the Changing Demand with Taago Kilter
In this episode, Taago, Senior Product Manager at Katana, shares insights from over a decade of experience in manufacturing.