Connect to thousands of apps with Katana’s Zapier integration
Zapier makes automating workflows easy. Move data between Katana and thousands of Zapier apps to boost efficiency, reduce human error, and ensure data accuracy across all the tools you use to grow your manufacturing business.
Automate tasks and data flows between Katana and other apps
Zapier makes it possible to integrate with thousands of apps and set up automated workflows with Katana. Boost efficiency by connecting to industry-leading e-commerce and CRM platforms to keep your sales and inventory data and activities in sync.
- Connect Katana to hundreds of Zapier apps — no coding required
- Create exactly what you need with multiple Zapier connections to automate tasks with a single trigger
- Automate repetitive tasks from syncing sales orders to generating reports
Integrate with the best e-commerce,
accounting, reporting, and CRM
software out there
Create custom API integrations
Use Katana’s open API to create custom workflows and connect to apps beyond our list of integrations. Automate data transfers between the services you use to level up efficiency. Take a look at our API documentation to learn more.
Get visibility over your sales and stock
Wave goodbye to uncertainty with Katana Cloud Inventory — AI-powered for total inventory control